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"I'm giving you good counsel; don't let it go in one ear and out the other. When I was a boy at my father's knee, the pride and joy of my mother, He would sit me down and drill me: "Take this to heart. Do what I tell you--live! " (Proverbs 4:2-4).


  1. The Unstoppable church

    The Unstoppable church

    For the 10 years I have been in minstry, I had known that the church is unstoppeable until the Sunday of 19th May 2013. This come out very clear to me at Blessed Restoration Church while I was seating under the Great man Of God Bishop Dr. Geoffrey Mackenzie. He came up to the pulpit this day greatly annointed by the Almight Jehova and after the Praise and worship had ushered the entire congrigation in the presence of God, He echoed out the title of his message with this words ‘The Unstoppeable Church’.
    Acts 2:42-47
    This sermon come to me very powerful and real when the man of God directed us to the text from the Bible the book of Acts 2:42-47. Why Do Isay so yet this was a verse read several times to us by different men of God on the same pulpit standing behind the same same podiums? The answer is what you will discover as you read through this blog post.
    The context of this text is right at what the bible scholars call the birth of the church. Some few days after the resurrection of our messiah Christ Jesus, when he was about to ascend to the Father, He promised His disciples That power which kept The Church Moving. Now here is the time when the disciples were opperating in the real Power Of Him- The Holy spirit. The church had Just begun on one sermon preached by one of the Now Spirit Filled disciples of Jesus. And here it is at the peak of it’s growth. The bible say’s this time the church was increasing both phisically and spiritually. Oh what a great church! Before we head far, it is good for us to understand what the church real means.
    The meanimg of the church:
    It has been discovered by many christians that this word ‘church’ been very much misunderstood by many. Some people have taken it to be the Building where we garther to worship, others say it is your heart, others spirit and yet others our bodies. So, what is the church?
    According to dr. Max the preacher the church is the gathering of born again christians. It is an organsm not an organization. It is not the building
    The Birth of The Church:
    The church was founded non the word of Jesus when had a discussion with His disciples. Asking the Big question “Who do people say I Am?”
    1. The church is founded on the Revelation and Knowledge of who The Lord is
    While all others had no idea who jesus Is, Peter through the spirit of God had the revelation of who Jesus is. It is from this revelation that Jesus declares the Foundation of the church
    2. Jesus is the foundation of the church :
    He is the rock of ages, upon which the church is build
    3. He builds the church himself:
    The church is not build by any Other person. Not man can build the church except Jesus does
    4. The church Has authority to Open and close: no gates of hell has power over the church,. All christians has power to Open and close
    Therefore the church is unstoppeable
    5. Jesus is the Lord and Husband of the church his bride; Now Jesus himself is the Lord of the church yet he gave birth to the same. Just like the woman –Eve came from the man –Adam, the church came from jesus. When God wanted to creat the woman for the first man Adam he made him to sleep and took one of the Man’s ribs to make the woman for him as stated in Genesis 1 and 2. The same way the church was birthed from the side of the messiah when he was hanged on the big cross at Calvery. When they soldiers pearsed the spear in the side of jesus, there came out Water and Blood something that only happens whenever a woman gives birth. The church was born through the suffering of Jesus. How the can a person stop the church?
    Then what are the characteristics of the Unstoppable Church.? Please follow me on the next post on ‘The Charasteristics of The unstoppable church’


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